Daleville Baptist Church
Thursday, February 13, 2025
To know Christ and to make Him known

Job Openings

 Pianist (Part-time paid position):
  • Candidate must be a committed Christian as either a non-church member or a Daleville Baptist Church member in good standing
  • Competency with piano and ability to accompany groups or individuals
  • Willingness to rehearse with music ministry members
  • Ability to communicate well and work as a team member
  • Become an integral and contributing member of the church music ministry
  • Maintain a professional level of competency that will lead, inspire and encourage the congregation
  • Provide piano accompaniment for regular morning worship services including practices
  • Provide piano accompaniment when available if future worship services are expanded to evening worship
  • Provide piano accompaniment for special music programs such as the Christmas Cantata 
  • Assist in leading practices as requested
Contact Jason Hogancamp at 360-527-5085 for more information or to apply for this position.