We believe in bible action, not just bible study.
We believe that kids are not just the church of tomorrow, but that they can be World Changers right now.
We understand that after age twelve most people’s beliefs are set for life.
KIDS R.O.C.K. Group: Wednesday Nights
6:15 - 7:30 PM
Kids Bible Club for preschoolers - 5th graders. We have a great year of Bible lessons, lively music, meaningful missions, zany games & FUN planned for the children this year.
Kids ROCK Group will start with music & worship time, followed by Bible lesson & snack time, and then it's on to recreation & game time. Children will be taught to apply God's Word in their daily life as they gain understanding of scripture. They will work to memorize scripture, learn about missions, enjoy fun games and special theme nights.
Children can earn "ROCK Bucks" to spend on special nights by attending Bible Club, saying their Bible verse, bringing their Bible, participating in themed nights and bringing a new friend with them.
Vacation Bible School (Every Summer)
Wonder Junction: Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory
July 13 - 17, 2025
6-8:30 PM
Preschool - 8th Grade (ages 3-15 years old)
Online registration is open!
Pre-register @ https://dalevillebaptistvbs.myanswers.com/wonder-junction